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 Your Donations 


Throughout the history of Kisoro Kids, 100% of donations received that were designated for Kisoro arrived in Kisoro!  Paypal retained 2.2% plus 30 cents per transaction for donations given through their service. These fees were paid through separate fundraising to cover our operational costs.






Funds were transferred to Kisoro in February, May and September, coinciding with the beginning of each school term. At the end of each school term, leaders in Kisoro reported how the funds were used and provided receipts and photos for completed building projects. Members of our team periodically visited Kisoro to further build relationships, check progress, and assess resources and needs in Kisoro.


 The Numbers 

Source of Funds 2007-2025.png
Funds Spent 2011-2025.png

Misc includes Transfer Fees, Stoves, Chalkboards, Teacher Training, Water tanks, Electrical installation, Teacher desks, and TBD funds for 2025.

Cumulative Funds 2007-2025.png
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